Tuesday, May 15, 2007


In memory of those valiant heroes of democracy... who loved life; but cherished liberty more! FREEDOM IS NEVER EVER FREE!!!!! Thank you for your sacrifice!


When: Monday May 28th 2007

Where: 6029 Castle Road (The VanDenAker House)

Time: Noon - Until

Activities include: Swimming, Fishing, Boating

What to bring: Beverage of choice, swimsuit and towel, sunscreen, insect repellent, Fishing gear and bait

Please contribute to the picnic lunch by bringing at least one of the items on the below list:

hotdogs and buns (including any special toppings like kraut, chili, cheese, onions, sweet or dill relish, etc)
potato salad
baked beans
chips and dips
fruit tray
veggie tray
cookies, brownies, or sweet treats of some sort

PLEASE RSVP with number of guests and what food you are planning on bringing by Friday May 25...


We hope to see you there!


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