Hello if you are interested in doing this badge please contact Tracye Prewitt. I figured we could do the required hikes over 3 months. I need a list of all scouts who are interested! I want to suggest if you are considering doing this please start walking now! I walk 6.9 miles a day and I tried the route for the 10 miler and trust me I need more work! PLEASE start walking and let me suggest walking at least the 2.75 mile route in the park several times a week. We will be doing all the ten milers in the the Park so you will be used to the terrain and trust me the Louisiana Monument hill takes some getting used to. If you would like to walk this summer I suggest you do it either early in the morning (not after 9am) or late in the afternoon (after 4pm) it is toooo hot the rest of the day...please stay hydrated and stop as needed to catch your breath! Start at the visitor center and go to the left not go through the Arch to start that is backward... you should always walk facing the traffic. The 2.45 miler is visitor center to the top of the LA hill then immediate right down Pemberton and then right onto Union back to the visitor center! If you go the 3.45 miler that is going past Pemberton to the gravel road then past the Illinois monument and loop back to the right on Union back to the visitor center! There is a 3 mile route to the south of Clay Street... I don't walk it so don't really know it at all! If you have any questions let me know! This is to me an easy or should be an easy Eagle required badge! And walking is good for you too! Walking is the most perfect exercise it works your entire body... as well as gets your heart rate up! We have the perfect place to walk here in Vicksburg because hilly terrain is best when it comes to getting the biggest bang for your buck. I walk around 8-9am every morning and it takes me about 2 or so hours so if you would like to join me that would be great but I am not a speed walker so do expect to walk too fast when you walk with me. A suggestion to keep you hydrated is to get a camel back /blue wave (Bass Pro Outlet $14.99) personal hydration system... also chew gum it keeps your mouth and lips moist! And please don't forget the suncreen! Hope to see you soon at the Park ! Hut two three four!!!!!!
Either this Merit Badge or Swimming MB or Cycling MB is Required to earn the Eagle Scout Rank
REQUIREMENTS were REVISED as of January 1, 2000.
To see the changes which were made in 2000, Click here.
Click here for the previous requirements
1) Show that you know first aid for injuries or illnesses that could occur while hiking, including hypothermia, heatstroke, heat, exhaustion, frostbite dehydration, sunburn, sprained ankle, insect stings, tick bites, snakebite, blisters, hyperventilation, and altitude sickness.
2) Explain and, where possible, show the points of good hiking practices. including the principles of Leave No Trace, hiking safety in the daytime and at night, courtesy to others, choice of footwear, and proper care of feet and footwear.
3) Explain how hiking is an aerobic activity. Develop a plan for conditioning yourself for 10-mile hikes, and describe how you will increase your fitness for longer hikes.
4) Make a written plan for a 10-mile hike, including map routes, a clothing and equipment list, and a list of items for a trail lunch.
5) Take five hikes, each on a different day, and each of at least ten continuous miles. Prepare a hike plan for each hike.*
6) Take a hike of 20 continuous miles in one day following a hike plan you have prepared.*
7) After each of the hikes (or during each hike if on a continuous trek) in requirements 5 and 6, write a short report of your experience. Give dates and descriptions of routes covered, the weather, and interesting things you saw. Share this report with your merit badge counselor.
***** The hikes in requirements 5 and 6 can be used in fulfilling Second Class (2a) and First Class (3) rank requirements, but only if Hiking merit badge requirements 1, 2, 3, and 4 have been completed to the satisfaction of your counselor. The hikes of requirements 5 and 6 cannot be used to fulfill requirements of other merit badges.******
BSA Advancement ID#: 61 Pamphlet Revision Date: 2002 Requirements last updated in 2000
Worksheets for use in working on these requirements:
By Rob Greenland
Word Format
PDF Format
By Craig Lincoln
Word Format
PDF Format
Page updated on: April 29, 2006
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