Monday, March 27, 2006

Wilderness Survival Weekend Has Been CANCELLED

Due to rainy/stormy weather predictions for this weekend; we have decided to cancel the Wilderness Survival Weekend (March 31-April 2). We hope to reschedule this event in the near future! We apologize for any inconvenience this might cause.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Another Merit Badge For The Non-Dog Owning Scout


Posted just for our new Josh! Josh I looked but Mr Mike is right there are no martial arts or chess merit badges.... what a rip!... Oh well; I think this will work for your pets though ... any questions email me and if I can't answer it I will forward you to a leader who can!

Requirements were revised on 09/01/95
Present evidence that you have cared for a pet for 4 months.
Get approval before you start.*
Write in 200 words or more about the care, feeding, and housing of your pet. Tell some interesting facts about it. Tell why you have this kind of pet. Give local laws, if any, relating to the pet you keep.
Show that you have read a book or pamphlet, approved by your counselor, about your kind of pet.
Do ONE of the following:
Show your pet in some pet show.
Start a friend raising a pet like yours. Help your friend get a good start.
Train a pet in three or more tricks or special abilities.
* Work done for other merit badges cannot be used for this requirement.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Citizenship In Nation Merit Badge Leader Changes!

Tracye Prewitt will no longer be heading up this merit badge. Mr. Richard is in charge if you have any questions please feel free to contact him or Mr. David! Thank you!

But if you need help on Citizenship in The Nation; American Hertiages; American Culture or Dog Care let Mrs Tracye know and she will try and steer you in the correct direction.

Outwit; Outplay; Outlast! ? ! ? !

April 01, 2006


Objectives of Campout:
Wilderness Survival MB

Inter-patrol competition


Friday March 29, 2006
4pm Meet at Porters Chapel - Leave for Campsite
4:30pm Arrive at campsite.

Saturday, April 1, 2006
That is for us to know and the scouts to find out!
And trust me you WILL find out (evil laughter)!!!!!!!

Sunday, April 2, 2006
7:30am Breakfast
8:30am Scout's Own
9:00am Clean-up campsite
9:30am Leave