Tuesday, April 18, 2006


Meet at the church at 7 am This Saturday, April 22, if you plan on attending!

This WILL be a fund raiser for the troop!

Wear your class A uniforms with a class B tee shirt (purple or red per Mr David's earlier request) underneath!

Plan on being at the picnic most of the day and doing lots of work!

Food will be provided by our employers!

Friday, April 14, 2006

Updated Calender Of Events!

Monday, April 17th, 7PM – Troop meeting at PCUMC. We will start working on the Astronomy merit Badge. At this meeting the scouts will be given an assignment of the merit badge requirements that they will need to work on on their own. These requirements will need to be completed before the May camping trip if they intend to go on the May camping trip to Rainwater Observatory at French Camp, MS.

Saturday April 22nd – Ergon Picnic. The scouts will work setting up tables, running children’s booths, managing trash, and general flunky work. This is a fundraiser for the troop, and we will also get lunch in the bargain. Meet at 7AM at PCUMC in full Class A uniform. Have either the red or purple troop shirts either under your scout shirt or carry it with you. If we end up doing messy stuff, you will want to take your scout shirt off. We need the names of everyone who is going, so if you are not going to be at the troop meeting next Monday night (4/17) please call me and let me know.

Monday, Apr 24th, 6:30PM – Troop meeting at Hawkins United Methodist Church on Halls Ferry Rd near WES. NOTE THE CHANGE IN LOCATION!! We will be participating in a Cub Scout Bridging ceremony. We will also be making camping trip plans.

REQUIRED FOR SCOUTS AND ADULTS!!!!!! Monday, May 1st, 6:00PM – Yearly (free) Boy Scout physicals at the Vicksburg Clinic. In order for your scouts to participate in our outings, we need to have medical records for them. This satisfies this requirement. Go to the Vicksburg Clinic next to the old (abandoned) Vicksburg Hospital on North Frontage Rd. There will be NO TROOP MEETING THAT NIGHT.

Friday- Sunday May 5-7th – Camping Trip to Rainwater Observatory at French Camp, MS. Meet at PCUMC at 5PM on Friday. We will return Sunday in the early afternoon.

Monday, May 8th – NO TROOP MEETING

Thursday May 11th – Committee /PLC Meeting, 7PM at PCUMC.

Monday, May 15th – Regular troop meeting. Subsequent troop meetings are not listed here.

Monday May 29th – Pool party at Mike Rasch’s house. This is Memorial Day. Scouts and their families are invited

Saturday-Tuesday June 3-6th – Trip to Pensacola. We will leave Saturday morning and return Tuesday evening. We plan to visit the beach, watch the Blue Angels practice, visit the Naval Air Museum, go tubing on the Blackwater River, and take a Historical trail hiking trip.

Saturday – Saturday July 1-8th – Summer camp at Camp Mack Morris in west Tennessee.

Hoppy Easter Everyone!

Monday, April 03, 2006

This One Is For You Conrad!