Friday, June 29, 2007

Eagle Required Merit Badges Offered At Mack Morris

Summer Camp is a great place to get these badges done or semi done! Esp. badges that are HARD to get on your own like Environmental Sciences! First Aid, Swimming, Emergency Preparedness we usually do as a troop on our own but you never know if you will be able to attend those meetings so you are at camp for a week so if you have the space available for a badge PLEASE PLEASE be a wise scout and get these done!



Environmental Sciences

First Aid

Emergency Preparedness

Personal Fitness


I don't know if I am the only one with the troop doing this but if not

Mike says we have to have long pants (jeans that fit and tennis shoes) to do horsemanship!

There are two times on in the morning and one in the afternoon

Cost is $45.00 and defrays the cost of maintaining the horses, gear and stables

This will not only teach you how to ride a horse but also how to care for them! I LOVE horses so I decided that this is more up my alley than the COPES course for this year!!!!!!!!

GIDDY UP!!!!!!


C.O.P.E. = Learning to cope with outdoor challenges teaches you how to cope with life over all.. and teaches you that you are stronger than you know!
C --- Challenging

O --- Outdoor

P --- Personal

E --- Experience


What To Wear and What NOT To Wear:

Leave all jewelry at camp this includes rings, necklaces of any kind, pocketknives, money, etc they are a significant safety hazard

Long pants MUST be worn on the COPE course, no baggy clothes are allowed (they are a safety hazard and get tangled in gear and course), gloves are suggested by Mr Mike (leather gloves that fit)


COPE 1 meets from 8:45 - 10:45 am and costs $25.00 each.... this cost if for upkeep of courses and for COPE tee shirt

Weather For Camp

10-Day Forecast

High /Low (°F)

Precip. %
Sat Jun 30
Scattered T-Storms
40 %
Sun Jul 01
Partly Cloudy
10 %
Mon Jul 02
10 %
Tue Jul 03
10 %
Wed Jul 04
Mostly Sunny
10 %
Thu Jul 05
Scattered T-Storms
40 %
Fri Jul 06
Isolated T-Storms
30 %
Sat Jul 07
10 %

Last Updated Jun 29 11:06 a.m. CT

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Cool Marshall Ramsey Cartoon

But when Brody(#53) dreams he dreams of winning the Vicksburg Post's Pet Idol Contest or maybe chasing squirrels! LOL!!!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Tips For A Better Walk

By Gin Miller

Fitness walking is an excellent way to tone muscles and burn calories. In fact, you can burn almost as many calories with a vigorous walk as you can running, and fitness walking is much less stressful on the body. You will need to average about 12 to 15 minutes per mile (measure your distance with a pedometer, available from sporting goods stores). Start by walking for at least 20 to 30 minutes three to four days per week. Increase this to five to six days per week if you're trying to lose weight.
Here are tips for proper walking form:
• Elongate your body by standing tall with head up, chin level, and eyes gazing forward.
• Lift chest, and relax shoulders. Breathe deeply as you walk to get the maximum amount of oxygen to your muscles.
• Bend arms slightly and swing them front to back, not side to side or crossing the body. Do not swing elbows higher than chest level.
• Tilt pelvis forward slightly, and keep abs tight.
• Push off with toes and land on heel, rolling back through to toe to push off again.
• Maintain a natural stride length.
Add speed intervals to your walks to burn up to 10 times more calories than you would during an ordinary fitness walk. After warming up, fitness walk for three minutes, then add a one-minute speed interval. Increase your walking pace to about eight or nine on an intensity scale of one to 10. At the end of one minute, slow back to your fitness speed. Continue alternating three-minute segments of fitness walking with one-minute increments of speed for a total of 10 intervals. You should interval train only twice a week to allow your body time to recuperate between workouts.
Quick Tip: Drink plenty of water before, during, and after your walk, and start with a slow five- to eight-minute warm-up of slow walking. At the end of your walk, cool down and stretch.
More Fitness Walking Articles:
Personal Coach: WalkingWalking can help you tone up, lose weight, and get into great shape.
Add Power to Your WalkThis 35-minute circuit turned one reader's daily stroll into a complete workout.
Personal Coach: High-Country HikingA workout--including basic preparation and training tips--to help you enjoy your time in the mountains
Jump Over Fitness HurdlesSeven obstacles that keep us from working out—and how to beat them.
A Better Beach WalkGive your walk extra calorie-burning power with these simple exercises.

Vote For Brody!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our dog Brody is contestant #53 in the Vicksburg Post's Pet Idol.... Cast a vote by going by Corner Market or Wal-Mart of Post Offices and picking up a Sunday's Paper... Fill out your ballot and pay your .25 cents per vote... all proceeds go to the NIE (Newspapers In Education) Fund... All votes for round one are due in to the Post by June 25th...Brody says "BARRROOOO uewwwwww" That is "THANK YOU!!!" in Basenji!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Summer Camp Information

June 25th - Will work on getting the trailer ready for SUMMER CAMP.SUMMER CAMP
June 30 - Leave for SUMMER CAMP. Will let you know later about time of departure
June 30 - July 08 SUMMER CAMP ---- Camp Mack Morris, Tennessee
July 9th - NO MEETING. Will be just getting back from Summer Camp.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Father's Day

When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years.

-Mark Twain

Friday, June 15, 2007

MLS Coming To Clinton

'Mississippi Brilla to kick off 'Student Night'

The Clarion-Ledger

Mississippi Brilla Futbol Club will hold its inaugural “Student Night” at 5 p.m. Wednesday on Longabaugh Field at Mississippi College in Clinton with a game against the New Orleans Shell Shockers and a concert featuring Fox Chase Drive of Madison.
The minor league team is the newest ministry arm of Brilla Soccer Ministries, which promotes Christianity through soccer.Tickets are $5 for students, $7 for adults. Ticket prices are the same for those attending the concert only.

For more information, visit or call (601) 924-3475

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Monday's Meeting At Mr Mikes NOT I Repeat NOT At Porter's Chapel UMC

Next Monday night meeting is at Mr. Mike house. He will be testing your swimming skills before you go to camp. Soooo wear you swim suits and bring your towel. Meeting at 7:00pm like always..

The address is
444 Garden Grove Street
Phone: 601 634-6294 Mike's Cell 601 218-1403

From Indiana Avenue and I-20 turn toward the going out-of-town (north) direction on Indiana Avenue. You will travel past the spot with the Country Club on your right, and KFC on the left

Go down the hill to the 1st 4 way stop at Porter's Chapel Road -- go straight through

Go up and down and winding around until the next (2nd) 4 way stop which coincides with the entrance to the OAK PARK subdivision. There is a worn Low Tan-Yellow Brick sign on the ground to your right. Also go straight through this 4 way stop.

Go down and up the hill to the 3rd 4 way stop (Robert E. Lee RD. turn Right
The gas station / store will be on your right, turn right (and the store is still on your right).

Go past about 4 or 5 tree-named roads Elmwood... Ridgewood... etc. Then past EVANS St, and the next street is GARDEN GROVE

Mike Rasch's house is the 2 story red brick on the corner. It has a front porch with a white wicker swing, and a detatched 3 car garage.

The pool is in the back. Come around and make yourself at home. There is a bathroom directly off the back porch. The white door with only a peephole frosted glass window. The white door with a full frosted window goes to the kitchen.

You Know Who You Are!!!!!!!!

Just wanted you to know that....
You are missed at scouts!
And we want you to....
Hurry back soon!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

New Reason To Get Your Eagle

MSU To Offer Scholarships To Eagle Scouts, Gold Award Winners
New scholarships at Mississippi State University are available to students who are Eagle Scouts or Gold Award recipients.Mississippi residents who achieve the rank of Eagle with the Boy Scouts of America or obtain the Gold Award with the Girl Scouts of the USA are encouraged to apply.The scholarships are for $1,000 for the academic year or $500 per semester.“The ranks of Eagle Scouts and Gold Award winners are among the most recognized and prestigious achievements in American society,’’ said MSU President Robert “Doc’’ Foglesong.Entering freshmen applicants must have a high school grade- point average of at least 2.5. Community college transfers must have 48 credit hours and a minimum 2.5 grade-point average to be eligible. For additional information, contact MSU’s office of admissions and scholarships at (662) 325-2224.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Something To Think About

You're happiest while you're making the greatest contribution.

Robert F. Kennedy
Do A Good Turn Daily!

A good deed is never lost: he who sows courtesy reaps friendship; and he who plants kindness gathers love.

Take Me To The Lake.... Dip Me In The Water!

Way down yonder on the chattahoochee

It gets hotter than a hoochie coochie

We laid rubber on the georgie asphalt

We got a little crazy but we never got caught

Down by the river on a friday night

A pyramid of cans in the pale moonlight

Talking bout cars and dreaming bout women

Never had a plan just a livin for the minute

Yeah way down yonder on the chattahoochee

Never knew how much that muddy water meant to me

But I learned how to swim and I learned who I was

A lot about livin and a litttle bout love

lyrics to Chattahoochee by Alan Jackson

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Hey Boys .... Let's Go Walkin'

It is that time of year again when I spend a lot more time in our own National Park (Vicksburg Military Park)..... And I wanted to extend an invite to any interested scouts to join me and walk the park... You just might accidently learn some history along the way! If you need to visit a National Monument or historical site for Citizen in Community or Nation this is the place to do it! All monuments in park are National Monuments you don't have to go to DC to do that requirement! I am more than sure that the rangers will be happy to answer all questions and there is a 7 mile Trek if completed you can receive a cool badge for doing it! I usually like to be in the park at 7 - 7:30 am or if you are not a morning person 5 - 5:30 pm because it is not that hot and there is intimitant shade in the early morning and late afternoon! There is a hiking merit badge boys.... I would be happy to help you with if you want to get physical!

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Just A Friendly Reminder !!!!

Hey SCOUTS, Just a REMINDER we will be camping next weekend June 8th 9th 10th at Eagle Lake. We will be leaving the church @ 5:00pm on Friday and returning Sunday time unknown as of now. That means Monday night we will be getting the trailer ready and planning the meals, so you will need to be there so you can pick what you like to eat. SEE YA THERE!!!!!!!!!!!